Hematoma subcapsular hepatico en sindrome de HELLP
[Hepatic subcapsular hematoma in HELLP syndrome]G Arrocha1, A Martinz1
1. Maternidad del Hospital Santo Tomás;
31-year-old patient, G2A1P0, 29 weeks and 4 days pregnant. He comes with an ultrasound diagnosis of hydrops fetalis. There was a male fetus with severe ascites, subcutaneous edema, polyhydramnios, and placecentomegaly. No other malformations were found. His obstetric history was consistent with Rh isoimmunization. The pregnancy was prolonged until week 32 with intrauterine transfusions and plasmapheresis. Due to associated vulvar edema, she is born by cesarean section. Hydropic newborn with 3g / dl of hemoglobin at birth, consistent with amenorrhea. Satisfactory evolution in her perinatal period.
31-year-old patient, G2A1P0, 29 weeks and 4 days pregnant. He comes with an ultrasound diagnosis of hydrops fetalis. There was a male fetus with severe ascites, subcutaneous edema, polyhydramnios, and placecentomegaly. No other malformations were found. His obstetric history was consistent with Rh isoimmunization. The pregnancy was prolonged until week 32 with intrauterine transfusions and plasmapheresis. Due to associated vulvar edema, she is born by cesarean section. Hydropic newborn with 3g / dl of hemoglobin at birth, consistent with amenorrhea. Satisfactory evolution in her perinatal period.
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