Motivo de consulta, signos y síntomas en adultos mayores en la consulta ambulatoria especializada en Geriatría.
[Motivo de consulta, signos y síntomas en adultos mayores en la consulta ambulatoria especializada en Geriatría.]Luis Manuel Cornejo Alemán1
1. Facultad de Medicina Universidad de Panamá;
Resumen. Para determinar los motivos de consulta, la frecuenciade patologías, síntomas y estilos devida se realizó una investigación retrospectiva de los expedientes de 633pacientes mayores de 60 años de primera consulta de geriatría en atenciónprivada, en los Consultorios Médicos Paitilla. Los resultados demostraron que los motivos de consultamás frecuentes fueron el chequeo general, (23.5%), la preocupación por pérdidade la memoria (8.3%) y síntomas de depresión (4.8%). Las patologías másfrecuentes fueron la hipertensión (26.4%), Dislipidemia (22.1%) y Diabetes Mellitus (14.8%).Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron trastornos de la memoria (37%), desánimo (37.4%)y trastornos del sueño (31.8%).En estilos de vida encontramos un promedio de 3.2±1.93 medicamentos por paciente y una baja frecuencia de ejercicio regular (18.5%). Los datos obtenidos permiten conocer mejor lasnecesidades asistenciales de las personas adultas mayores, orientando y lapromoción de la Salud y la prevención de la enfermedad en este grupo de edad.
Palabras Clave: Geriatría; adultomayor; motivo de consulta; atención ambulatoria; comorbilidad.
To analize the chief complaints, the frequency of diseases, symptoms and lifestyles, we made a retrospective study of 633 records of patients with more than 60 years old in their first consultation at an outpatient geriatric particular office in Consultorios Médicos Paitilla. The results showed that the most frequent reasons for consultation were a general medical evaluation, (23.5%), loss of memory (8.3%) and symptoms of depression (4.8%). The most frequent diseases were hypertension (26.4%), dislipidemia (22.1%) and Diabetes Mellitus (14.8%). The most frequent symptoms were memory impairement (37%), depression (37.4%) and sleep disorders (31.8%). In their life styles we found an average of 3.2+-1.9 use of drugs per patient and a low frequency of regular exercise (18.5%). The acquired data allows a better knowledge of the care needed in older people, guiding the preventive and educational programs on health promotion for new researches about elderly ambulatory care.
Keywords: geriatrics, elderly outpatient care, symptoms and signs, chief complaints, comorbidity.
Complaint, signs and symptoms in older adults in the outpatient clinic specializing in geriatrics.
To analyze the chief complaints, the frequency of diseases, symptoms and lifestyles, we made a retrospective study of 633 records of patients with more than 60 years old in their first consultation at an outpatient geriatric particular office in Consultorios Medicos Paitilla. The results showed that the most frequent reasons for consultation were a general medical evaluation, (23.5%), loss of memory (8.3%) and symptoms of depression (4.8%). The most frequent diseases were hypertension (26.4%), Dislipidemia (22.1%) and Diabetes Mellitus (14.8%). The most frequent symptoms were memory impairment (37%), depression (37.4%) and sleep disorders (31.8%). In their life styles we found an average of 3.2 +-1.9 uses of drugs per patient and a low frequency of regular exercise (18.5%). The acquired data allows a better knowledge of the care needed in older people, guiding the preventive and educational programs on health promotion for new researches about elderly ambulatory care.
Keywords: geriatrics, elderly outpatient care, symptoms and signs, chief complaints, co morbidity.
Resumen. Para determinar los motivos de consulta, la frecuenciade patologías, síntomas y estilos devida se realizó una investigación retrospectiva de los expedientes de 633pacientes mayores de 60 años de primera consulta de geriatría en atenciónprivada, en los Consultorios Médicos Paitilla. Los resultados demostraron que los motivos de consultamás frecuentes fueron el chequeo general, (23.5%), la preocupación por pérdidade la memoria (8.3%) y síntomas de depresión (4.8%). Las patologías másfrecuentes fueron la hipertensión (26.4%), Dislipidemia (22.1%) y Diabetes Mellitus (14.8%).Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron trastornos de la memoria (37%), desánimo (37.4%)y trastornos del sueño (31.8%).En estilos de vida encontramos un promedio de 3.2±1.93 medicamentos por paciente y una baja frecuencia de ejercicio regular (18.5%). Los datos obtenidos permiten conocer mejor lasnecesidades asistenciales de las personas adultas mayores, orientando y lapromoción de la Salud y la prevención de la enfermedad en este grupo de edad.
Palabras Clave: Geriatría; adultomayor; motivo de consulta; atención ambulatoria; comorbilidad.
To analize the chief complaints, the frequency of diseases, symptoms and lifestyles, we made a retrospective study of 633 records of patients with more than 60 years old in their first consultation at an outpatient geriatric particular office in Consultorios Médicos Paitilla. The results showed that the most frequent reasons for consultation were a general medical evaluation, (23.5%), loss of memory (8.3%) and symptoms of depression (4.8%). The most frequent diseases were hypertension (26.4%), dislipidemia (22.1%) and Diabetes Mellitus (14.8%). The most frequent symptoms were memory impairement (37%), depression (37.4%) and sleep disorders (31.8%). In their life styles we found an average of 3.2+-1.9 use of drugs per patient and a low frequency of regular exercise (18.5%). The acquired data allows a better knowledge of the care needed in older people, guiding the preventive and educational programs on health promotion for new researches about elderly ambulatory care.
Keywords: geriatrics, elderly outpatient care, symptoms and signs, chief complaints, comorbidity.
Complaint, signs and symptoms in older adults in the outpatient clinic specializing in geriatrics.
To analyze the chief complaints, the frequency of diseases, symptoms and lifestyles, we made a retrospective study of 633 records of patients with more than 60 years old in their first consultation at an outpatient geriatric particular office in Consultorios Medicos Paitilla. The results showed that the most frequent reasons for consultation were a general medical evaluation, (23.5%), loss of memory (8.3%) and symptoms of depression (4.8%). The most frequent diseases were hypertension (26.4%), Dislipidemia (22.1%) and Diabetes Mellitus (14.8%). The most frequent symptoms were memory impairment (37%), depression (37.4%) and sleep disorders (31.8%). In their life styles we found an average of 3.2 +-1.9 uses of drugs per patient and a low frequency of regular exercise (18.5%). The acquired data allows a better knowledge of the care needed in older people, guiding the preventive and educational programs on health promotion for new researches about elderly ambulatory care.
Keywords: geriatrics, elderly outpatient care, symptoms and signs, chief complaints, co morbidity.
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