Enfermedad de Kawasaki en Panamá

[Enfermedad de Kawasaki en Panamá]

Icaro De Macedo Leandro1, Roberto Blandón Calderón2, Ana Eloisa Leandro2

1. Academia Panameña de Medicina y Cirugía;

Publicado: 2015-10-08




La Enfermedad de Kawasaki (EK) es una vasculitis aguda, febril, sistémica, de etiología desconocida y que se presenta principalmente en niños menores de cinco (5) años de edad. Actualmente es la principal causa de cardiopatía adquirida en la infancia en países desarrollados. Objetivo: de este trabajo es conocer la evolución de un grupo de cuarenta (40) niños admitidos en el Hospital del Niño de Panamá con diagnóstico de Enfermedad de Kawasaki. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de una serie de casos de cuarenta (40) niños con EK admitidos entre junio 2011 y abril 2014 en el Hospital del Niño de Panamá. Resultados: El 68.2% eran varones con edades entre los 7meses y 6 años, el 100% presentó la forma clásica de la EK, con 7 casos de miocarditis y 3 casos con alteraciones coronarias. La EK fue diagnosticada con un promedio de 3.8 días del inicio del cuadro febril y el tratamiento resultó eficaz con desaparición de las alteraciones cardíacas en un periodo de 10 a 30 días.


Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute febrile and systemic vasculitis of unknown etiology. It affects primarily children younger than five years of age. It is the leading cause of acquired heart disease in children in developed countries. Objectives: to describe the evolution of 40 patients diagnosed with Kawasaki disease in Panama’s Hospital del Niño. Materials and Methods: descriptive study of 40 patients hospitalized between July 2011 and April 2014. Results: 68.2% were males, with ages between 7 months and 6 years. All the patients presented the typical form of KD, 7 cases with myocarditis and 3 cases with coronary affection. KD was diagnosed with an average of 3.8 days after the beginning of the fever and treatment was very effective with normalization of the cardiac alterations in a period of 10 to 30 days.


Kawasaki disease in panama

Abstract                                                                                                                               Kawasaki Disease (KD) is an acute, febrile, systemic vasculitis of unknown etiology that occurs mainly in children under five (5) years of age. It is currently the leading cause of acquired heart disease in children in developed countries. Objective: To describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics and response to treatment of a number of patients admitted to the Children's Hospital of Panama diagnosed with KD and draw attention to the importance of early diagnosis gives the KD. Material and Methods: A descriptive study of a case series of forty (40) children with KD admitted between June 2011 and April 2014 in the Children's Hospital of Panama. Results: 68.2% were males between the ages of 7 months and 6 years, 100% presented the classic form of KD, with 7 cases of myocarditis and 3 patients with coronary abnormalities. KD was diagnosed with an average of 3.8 days of onset of fever and treatment was effective with disappearance of cardiac disorders in a period of 10-30 days. Conclusion: Most of the patients were male (68%) with a mean age of 2.39 years. They presented symptoms that were already known. Treatment Intravenous immunoglobulin was used to 2mg / kg and acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) in doses of 80 to 100 mg / kg / day. The importance of early diagnosis of the disease is emphasized.               

Key words: Enfermedad de Kawasaki, vasculitis, aneurismas coronarios



La Enfermedad de Kawasaki (EK) es una vasculitis aguda, febril, sistémica, de etiología desconocida y que se presenta principalmente en niños menores de cinco (5) años de edad. Actualmente es la principal causa de cardiopatía adquirida en la infancia en países desarrollados. Objetivo: de este trabajo es conocer la evolución de un grupo de cuarenta (40) niños admitidos en el Hospital del Niño de Panamá con diagnóstico de Enfermedad de Kawasaki. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de una serie de casos de cuarenta (40) niños con EK admitidos entre junio 2011 y abril 2014 en el Hospital del Niño de Panamá. Resultados: El 68.2% eran varones con edades entre los 7meses y 6 años, el 100% presentó la forma clásica de la EK, con 7 casos de miocarditis y 3 casos con alteraciones coronarias. La EK fue diagnosticada con un promedio de 3.8 días del inicio del cuadro febril y el tratamiento resultó eficaz con desaparición de las alteraciones cardíacas en un periodo de 10 a 30 días.


Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute febrile and systemic vasculitis of unknown etiology. It affects primarily children younger than five years of age. It is the leading cause of acquired heart disease in children in developed countries. Objectives: to describe the evolution of 40 patients diagnosed with Kawasaki disease in Panama’s Hospital del Niño. Materials and Methods: descriptive study of 40 patients hospitalized between July 2011 and April 2014. Results: 68.2% were males, with ages between 7 months and 6 years. All the patients presented the typical form of KD, 7 cases with myocarditis and 3 cases with coronary affection. KD was diagnosed with an average of 3.8 days after the beginning of the fever and treatment was very effective with normalization of the cardiac alterations in a period of 10 to 30 days.


Kawasaki disease in panama

Abstract                                                                                                                               Kawasaki Disease (KD) is an acute, febrile, systemic vasculitis of unknown etiology that occurs mainly in children under five (5) years of age. It is currently the leading cause of acquired heart disease in children in developed countries. Objective: To describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics and response to treatment of a number of patients admitted to the Children's Hospital of Panama diagnosed with KD and draw attention to the importance of early diagnosis gives the KD. Material and Methods: A descriptive study of a case series of forty (40) children with KD admitted between June 2011 and April 2014 in the Children's Hospital of Panama. Results: 68.2% were males between the ages of 7 months and 6 years, 100% presented the classic form of KD, with 7 cases of myocarditis and 3 patients with coronary abnormalities. KD was diagnosed with an average of 3.8 days of onset of fever and treatment was effective with disappearance of cardiac disorders in a period of 10-30 days. Conclusion: Most of the patients were male (68%) with a mean age of 2.39 years. They presented symptoms that were already known. Treatment Intravenous immunoglobulin was used to 2mg / kg and acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) in doses of 80 to 100 mg / kg / day. The importance of early diagnosis of the disease is emphasized.               

Key words: Enfermedad de Kawasaki, vasculitis, aneurismas coronarios


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